lunes, 20 de agosto de 2018

L'immagine sonora

Esiste l'immagine voce la rappresenta... la voce stampa il sentimento parla oltre le parole l'attore,li comunicatori hanno bisogno della sua voce per permettere alle immagini di risuonare nel pubblico come nesso tra i corpi la comunione dell' emozione

martes, 7 de agosto de 2018

Thoughts related to the method (2004)

Thoughts related to the teaching method To sing, it is necessary to find the voice through an emission that shows the plenitude of its characteristics. This behaviour is related to where they were educated and where they learnt to communicate. There are people who “naturally” speak loudly, or quietly, or fast, or slowly and most probably, this may be based on a model or a “reaction” to a model (the mother, the father or some teacher). In any case, this must be “discovered” to find the source: that voice that we have and that we do not know and, given the physical and personal circumstances, a voice that is unique and incomparable. The voice is a part of the body and as such, it needs a body free to express. All the exercise will be based on discovering a part of the body that is organically hidden. This is related to feelings and memories of great intimacy that can take us back to breastfeeding and our first feelings of swallowing. This is our link to the first resonance which is located in our neck over the vocal folds. This area is often closed and, therefore, the voice lacks harmonics and remains hidden. The task begins by creating a bond between the speaker and the instrument. It is about learning how to give the correct order and wait for the voice to respond. The first concept to be corrected is that the voice does not have to be “pulled out” but it has to be guided and waited for. What this opportunity generates occurs at the moment prior to the emission. The mastering of the voice stems from the right order and from the waiting until the thought is implied in the action. The first changes are found three months later. The voice starts having an identity of its own. Quite often, this is when the speaker does not recognise it as his/her own because it is not what they imagined or expected. It is just like taking a look at a mirror: we do not find the image that we see in pictures.